Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mayan Painting Artist At Bonampak - 1976 Words

Scott Castruita Art Appreciation Deborah Gustlin Dec 8, 2014 Mayan Mural Painter at Bonampak My name is Scott Castruita and I live in Gilroy and I am 26 years old. Being an art student, I have learned that artist reflect certain aspects of their community while preparing any artistic product. This trend has been in existence for a long time ever since the discovery of art in ancient communities. However, I must admit that most of us in the modern communities do not appreciate art to the extent that it deserves. In order to understand and appreciate art, people must have knowledge of its place in time. As such, I took an initiative of unraveling the Mayan Mural Painter at Bonampak by investigating various aspects of the Maya community in order to understand their art. In my research, I have discovered that the Maya people represent some of the most renowned communities in relation to culture and artistic expressions. Living in the southern Mexico and northern Central America, the Maya people consist of group of communities with shared cultural values and heritage (Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian 1). Considering the close relation of communities comprising the Maya people, patterns of widely acceptable practices can be easily identified hence the community culture. In my research, I have learned that there is close relations between cultural values exhibited by the community and the artistic expressions. It is for this reason that most artifactsShow MoreRelatedThe Old Stone Age1714 Words   |  7 Pagestheir religion, and their way of life through the art they leave behind. Starting out in the Old Stone age, cave paintings at Lascaux, France gave us an insight into the life of a person in that era (pg. 20-21). Moving on in history we see that several cultures chose to depict important parts of their lives with mural paintings. During the period of Late Antiquity, we can see mural paintings in the Dura Europa synagogue of the third century. In the eighth century Mesoamerica, we glimpse a colorful muralR ead MoreThe Mayan Civilization : Ancient Civilization1425 Words   |  6 PagesThe Mayan Civilization: For many centuries the Mayan was of life was a mystery to archaeologists. Their geography, social structure, government, economy/trade, technology, writing, and arts were all thought to be forever lost. Now, as archaeologists are still uncovering more information, what was once referred to as â€Å"The Lost Civilization of Maya†, has been awakened from the grave of unknown. Geography: The ancient Mayan Civilization surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean stretchedRead MoreThe World s Largest Catholic Fraternal Service Organization1573 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Maya celebration Bonampak, Mexico, Chiapas that Yale Professor Mary Miller s conservation team has done much to reveal what these figures originally looked like, and the results are astonishing. I was able to connect the pre-Columbian era, of Central America and the Caribbean by the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. The Maya had the only written language in Mesoamerica, and this painting here tell us something about the creators of this extraordinary work. This painting can tell us somethingRead MoreChicano Murals in Los Angeles3931 Words   |  16 Pageshistory, pre-conquest civilization, anti-colonialism, anti-bourgeoisie sentiment, celebration of the working class, and highlighting the beauty and struggle of life as a Mexican. This movement moved north, across the border into California as the artists moved and government funding was discontinued. As the sociopolitical environment was rapidly changing in California the emergence of mural work of the Chicano Movement was gaining power and recognition. Their distinct style stemmed from their Mexican

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